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Support The Jesus Gallery

Where two or three gather in my name,

there am I in the midst of them.

(Matthew 18:20)

The world needs more Jesus!  Here are four ways you can help The Gallery spread the word about him: VISIT, TELL, PRAY, DONATE.


VISIT: The most valuable way to support The Gallery is to visit us and join in the shared reading and discussion of the Gospels.  Share your insights and reactions; listen to the insights and reactions of others, especially of folks whose lives are very different from yours.  Jesus appears to us when we listen to him and talk about him!  Most folks who visit once come back often and tell friends about this new and unusual way of encountering Jesus.  And with Zoom you can visit from anywhere in the world.  See the current in-person and Zoom schedules on the Home page.

TELL: Spread the word about The Gallery: bring friends with you to Gallery sessions; refer contacts to this website.  It’s a new and different way to see and hear Jesus.  Not a church, nothing like a church, just Jesus.  So many people have never heard the full, original, stories about this amazing person.  Relaxed, personal, informal; no ritual, no “production,” just insightful conversation.  It’s all about Jesus.


PRAY: Jesus himself tells us to pray constantly.  As you do so, please include a prayer for The Gallery and its helpers and visitors.  Your prayers have impact!

DONATE: The Gallery is a modest operation but there are expenses.  With more backing we could expand operations and become a more robust presence in the community.  Nothing will be wasted; every donation will go toward realizing the Vision.  To send a fast, secure, online donation use this link:

Or you can donate by mailing a check to:

The Jesus Gallery, Inc.

15932 Preswick Lane

Granger, IN 46530-6518.

Thank you for whatever you can do to support The Jesus Gallery!

Whatever is right for your circumstances, know that I appreciate your interest and your good wishes!  I pray that you and those you love will continually grow closer and closer to Jesus!


God Bless You!

John Tugman, November 2022

Reactions and feedback invited and encouraged!

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The Jesus Gallery, Inc. (a.k.a. "Jesus Gallery" in federal and state databases) is a non-profit organization under section 501(c)(3) of the United States Internal Revenue code.  Donations to The Jesus Gallery are normally deductible, depending on your tax status.  The Gallery's tax identification number is 84-3153251.

Jesus Gallery.  Granger and South Bend, Indiana, USA.
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