The JESUS Gallery
sharing the story of Jesus via voice and vision

2113 Elwood Avenue. South Bend, IN 46628
Gallery hours:
Thursday 2:00pm to 6:00pm
Friday 2:00pm to 5:30pm
Saturday 9:30am to 1:30pm
closed Sunday to Wednesday
The JESUS Gallery is a money-free location!
FREE admission.
NOTHING for sale.
Donations NOT requested.
Just a place to listen to Jesus.
Visit for two minutes or ten, for a half hour or all day; you choose. Come when you want, leave when you're ready. There is no schedule to follow, no beginning nor ending of a service or presentation. It is an art gallery where all the art is of one subject, Jesus of Nazareth. And where the most important art is the stories of Jesus as recorded in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Come and listen, for the first time, or the second, or the fourteenth or the one hundred and twenty third! And if you are willing, but totally up to you, all visitors are also invited -- but NEVER compelled -- to participate in the reading aloud of the Gospels.
The JESUS Gallery is not another church. It is nothing like a church. But it is not a substitute for a church either. It is simply another way to share the story of Jesus with the world.